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AKC Reunite

All of our puppies go home with lifetime microchip enrollment from AKC ReuniteSM.

AKC Reunite provides you with Enrollment in the nation’s largest non-profit pet microchip registry. With over 25 years of experience within the pet industry, you know their pets are in great hands.

What is a Microchip?

A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is encoded with a unique ID number that will be assigned to your pet. No two microchips have the same ID number.

The microchip is placed between your dog’s or cat’s shoulder blades under a veterinarian’s supervision.

Implantation is quick, easy and virtually painless – similar to a vaccine injection. Once implanted, the microchip does not have any personal information associated with it. The microchip must be enrolled to link your customer’s information to their pet. This is where AKC Reunite comes in.

How does AKC Reunite work?

When you enroll your pet’s microchip, your pet’s ID number is linked to your name, phone numbers, emergency contacts and other vital information in AKC Reunite’s database.

When a lost pet is scanned by a compatible microchip scanner, and reported found, AKC Reunite can immediately send out text messages, emails and begin contacting all the phone numbers on your pet’s record to reunite them as quickly as possible.

In addition, AKC Reunite offers a Lost Pet Alert which in the case of a missing or stolen pet, alerting those in the close vicinity to be on the lookout. The AKC Reunite Lost Pet Alert is sent out to those in the network within a 10 mile radius of where the pet was last seen and can be an absolute game changer when it comes to reuniting owners with their missing pet.

GoodDog!SM Helpline

As part of your AKC Retail Bundle that comes home with your new puppy, you receive access to The AKC GoodDog!SM Helpline.

The AKC GoodDog! Helpline is a telephone support service that provides dog owners with access to live trainers. It was developed for owners who need advice on training their dogs or shaping their dog’s behavior.

Training advice is now just a phone call away.

Trainers use only positive reinforcement training methods that are effective for both owners and their dogs. They give step by step, personalized tips based on each call. Learning never ends, and we want to help you train your puppy or dog so you can have a long successful life together!

You simply call into the number provided via email upon enrollment into the AKC Program. Then, you will be linked with one of the AKC expert trainers for customized and thorough training plans. There is no limit on the amount of calls placed or time spent chatting with these experts.